The Best Strategy on How To Create Content for Your Start-up Brand

“Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal”
– Pablo Picasso


So you’ve just launched your website and you’re struggling to come up with unique content for your brand. Why not search up some recent articles around your space and create an article with your own spin to it? This isn’t plagiarizing and I am not suggesting that. But this should be your formula on creating content in your space.  Publishers, Magazines, and companies have been doing it for years even before Social Media!


Generally they take content that already exists and put a nice twist to it which would make it sound like a brand new piece of content… Because it is!

Now, let’s break it down into a formula on how you can get started


  • Research For Topics Related to Your Brand

Look, let’s not kid ourselves here. We all get our information from somewhere, especially when the internet is at our disposal. Either we read an info from a specific source; or watched it somewhere. Basically, a general part of the information was found from elsewhere.  Unless you invented a teleport machine, I highly doubt there isn’t similar content that exists on the net in regards to your brand.  Google is your friend. Don’t be afraid to use it as a tool for researching and fact-checking. Just start typing away!

For starters, I generally like to look at articles that are at least 1 year old, just to stay relevant.


Look at that… You can find tons of material on any topic you choose!  In this example, I just typed ‘how to make a cucumber face mask’ and I get a ton of results. You can literally put anything into google and you’ll find something that’s related to your topic.

Another quick test I did was I randomly wrote “Use Beer as a Face Mask” and it seems that there are topics on that as well. I need to actually read into these to see if this really works… but hey, pretty interesting if it does right?


  • Put Your Own Spin on It

Just as you’ve imagined, there are probably tons of articles out there talking about the topic you want to get into. But you know what’s different between those articles and you? YOU. Your voice, your opinion.  — And nobody can ever take that away from you. We are all different in our own way. People may want to hear your spin on it rather than hear your competitors’. There are 7 BILLION+ people in the world, how would you know that the person that is reading your article might have landed on your page or social media account first before seeing what your competitor has to say in their article?

  • Create a Story Around Your Brand

You must be thinking… ‘WTF does this mean?’ Well, for example, if you’re a brand that sells skincare products, then you should also create content on skincare related topics.  Anything from the foods you can eat for better skin, exercises you should be doing and so on. It does not have to always be about the product and your brand.

The key thing to remember here is to create a story AROUND your brand so people can stay in-tuned and become interested in learning more about your stuff.  Don’t be the first date that everyone regrets going to because all the other person does is talk about themselves! Screw that! Be CREATIVE & provide VALUE to your end user. You got to know how you can talk about them too. Always think in their perspective. The more you empathize and sympathize with them, the more they’ll listen to you.


A good content strategy knows how to tell a story about the overall brand without putting their name on everything.  Does that make sense?

Provide me with your takeaway after reading this and share some of your insight.

Written by Sean Azari